
I Must weigh(at MOST) 180 by June 20th


It is a bright, new beautiful day!

Thanks again for everyone's support. I would have not gotten through those intense workouts yesterday.

So, tonight i have to babysit my nephew. His Girlfriend is Somalian and they have the most amazing food there. BUT, I think I'll be ok. They have a lot of space, so I can exercise whenever I'm hungry.

I might have to up my calorie intake, but I'm going to try to eat more fresh veggies to make up for it. The amount of exercise and the little amount of food I ate, was starting to make me faint.

Yes...I almost cried tears of complete joy over that. Seriously. I love that feeling. It's such an amazing high.

So, today, I'm going to try my best to stick to 300 cals, but I don't want a trip to the hospital so soon.


Nutritional drink shot- 26cals
Liquid Multivitamin- 25cals
liquid Vitamin B- 10cals

Total for 5.2.11 = 61 cals

239 to go!

Oh, and by the way ladies, get your vitamins in, even if you don't eat any food! It will keep your skin, hair, nails, and body functions working as optimally as possible.

You all are so strong and so beautiful.

One day I hope I'm strong enough to post a picture of myself. Maybe after I lose this 16.8 pounds?

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